Take your workout outdoors when the weather warrants it! Turn your car or truck into an anchor and do reverse row front leg elevated split squats (FLESS). FLESS prioritizes your lower body muscles—perfect for "leg day." This exercise also helps to create better core stability and upper body stability, especially when using an added load. FLESS also trains your quads. The front thigh muscle gets worked through a long range of motion as you get into deep angles of knee flexion (bending). With your front foot elevated, you have the opportunity to drive your knee forward for a deep weighted stretch in the quads. Your glutes are also going to get a significant stimulus during this exercise, especially in the bottom stretched position. You’ll likely feel more glute soreness, especially if you’re used to a relatively shortener range of motion from traditional squats and split squats. FLESS will also nail your inner thighs (adductors), particularly in your front leg. This muscle gets a high degree of stabilizing action during the exercise, along with some dynamic contraction to extend your hips at the top of the movement.